Friday, August 15, 2008

just for fun

1.The way to win your heart?
2.What did you do last night?
-men ngan ngan azam
3.Do you have the same name as one of
your relatives?
4.Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
-erk..i'm taking a break from a guy right now
5.One song that's meaningful to you?
-teardrops on my guitar (taylor swift) -music die best giler
6.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
7.Do you drink milk straight from the
-x minum susu
8.How long is your hair?
9.Do you like Batman?
-so and so..x der la minat sgt
10.Who was the last person who told you
they loved you? ex..kot
11.Addicted to anything?
13.Do you like anyone now?
-not specifically la
14.When was the last time you sang out
-td..x der org dlm bilik...huhu
15.What did you have for breakfast?
-x mkn pown..trus g klas
16.Is your birthday on a holiday?
-yup..end of the year..
17.What instant messaging service do
you use? and skype..sometime YM la
18.Can you cook? x de la sedap mane
19.Did you have a nap today?
-lom lagi..pas ni kowt
20.What was the reason you got in
trouble last?
-becoz of my "lovely" mouth
21.What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
22.When is your birthday?
-a month before xmast
23.Do you swear a lot?
24.Where did you get the shirt(s)
you're wearing?
-ump..beli kat along waktu 1st sem
25.Do you have any regrets?
-lots and lots of
26.What was your first alcoholic drink?
-x kan ade yg pertame..
27.What color are your favorite shoes?
28.Who would you like to see right now?
29.Are you a social or antisocial
-depends pade keadaan
30.Have the cops ever come by your
31.Ever been in love?
32.Ever had braces?
33.Who was the first person to really
break your heart?
-hmmm...perlu ke sebut name die??
34.What do you wear to bed?
35.Who was your first best friend and
are you still friends with them?
-ramai sgt bestfren...setiap kali g tmpat baru..msti ade bestfren
36.Who was the last person to
disappoint you?
-my own self
37.Do you trust people?
-depend on the person
38.Who was the first person you talk
to today?
-my romate
39.who was the 2nd person talked to you last night??
-erk..x ngat la..bnyk sgt ckp
40.Who was the first person to text you
41.What was the first thing you did
this morning?
-open my eyes

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